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If you want to ask about details about our offer, send a request for quotation or propose cooperation, please send an appropriate message using the contact form below or to the e-mail address biuro@bscg.pl. We try to respond to all inquiries as quickly as possible.

If you are interested in a solution that would meet your specific needs, please contact us. We implement custom-made projects, ranging from simple business card websites to advanced store solutions. Please leave your phone number or email address.

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 BSCG Sp. z o.o.
 Libelta 1a / 2
 61-706 Poznań

Registration data

KRS: 0000452725
NIP: 7831697208
REGON: 302360377

Bank account data

Account number: 13 1090 1098 0000 0001 2067 7235

Registration data

KRS: 0000452725
NIP: 7831697208
REGON: 302360377


BSCG Sp. z o.o.
Libelta 1a / 2
61-706 Poznań
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Created by BSCG sp. z o.o.