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Webservices and websites

We create services and websites to individual order, based on the latest technologies and graphic trends. Our solutions are characterized by high quality, well-thought-out ergonomics of use, compatibility with all devices and an affordable price.

We offer a wide range of solutions, starting from the implementation of simple websites

popularly referred to as a "business card", to the implementation of complex websites. We have many years of experience in creating and implementing large online stores and advanced websites supporting, among others, the trade, logistics, financial, telecommunications, educational and hotel industries.

During implementation, we provide assistance and advice in selecting a domain, hosting services, content, photos and other elements to be placed on the website.

If you are interested in our offer, please contact us.

Registration data

KRS: 0000452725
NIP: 7831697208
REGON: 302360377


BSCG Sp. z o.o.
Libelta 1a / 2
61-706 Poznań
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Created by BSCG sp. z o.o.